Apr 06, 2005 13:00
It sure is nice outside. The past couple days have been beautiful. I think if I go out...I wont come back to work. Tonight is church....I am excited but always have butterflies the day I lead worship. The practice went pretty good last night but it is always a learning experience. This time things went better than last time....but wow do I feel under-qualified to do this. That is how I know that God is the author of this "worhsip leading" stuff in my life. I can only do this because God calls me to. I will walk in Faith tonight and I know God will be lifted up! I am getting excited now :) It is such a privilege and I am so thankful. I swear there is not a day that I still dont drive up to NRC and thank God for the honor of being able to do what I get to do...with music and students.
Now, if I could just have my worship partner/ministry buddy/best pal Kurt back at NRC then everything would be perfect. You will be missed tonight. I always loved looking down in our old seats and seeing you....and laughing with you. Just like you, I am waiting for you to come home...like you are on vacation or something. I cant believe you actually "live" somewhere else. Even if I have seen your apartment. Come home. :) Well...enough of that stuff. Just know you will be thought about....especially during "My Hope". And I still think it is so awesome that you followed God's will and moved out there. You are doing a great job and I am bummed to not be a part of it.
I have been gone everyday this week (including tonight) till like 10:00.....and I want to just go home. So tomorrow that is what I am going to do. Work, go workout, maybe go see baby Aaron (cousins baby) and then GO HOME....and I am sure do some reading and watch The Apprentice. Well, this is going on and on....I better get back to work. Peace out......