Jan 02, 2005 22:50
fractal, noun - A geometric pattern that is repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry. Fractals are used especially in computer modeling of irregular patterns and structures in nature
The complete intricacy of life is simply amazing...form the things such as plants [whose shapes are based off of fractals] to situations and relationships [which are far more complex than anything....ever].
To understand fractals is hard...tiny repeating patterns that are ever reoccurring in nature that makes mountains look the same as trees when compared sub microscopically. Things go a lot farther than that too...and that doesn’t even come close to how complex our lives can and will become.
How things work out in life is so bizarre sometimes...It's hard to believe that situations can become so involved and hyper complex. I find it incredibly ironic and almost morbidly fascinating how my life is sometimes. How much I wish I could address this issue...but circumstances and other things prevent me from entering into this line of progression toward whatever goal it is...and somehow THAT doesn’t even capture my feeling of hopeless frustration and disappointment that I can't help here because of something that I have and cherish but is threatening under certain perspectives. Even if I couldn't help at all I would like to know that I tried...but I can't.
This all leads me to the conclusion that I need God so much. I know that there is some verse that I heard in church once that was related to this topic but it passes through my mind like so many lost opportunities. But I do know how I feel right now...well actually I have no idea how I can describe this but I know that even when words fail me God knows what's going on with me and how to help...if I ask...and I'm about to.
Current Music: Pinback
Current Mood: asfhdhfsadjhasdfhasdfhfasd
Have you ever heard a song that seems so much like something about you or related to you? I never used to have that but Now for some reason I have several. They scare me...
Another example of irony in my life is how I just defined/explained the word fractal…and just New Years eve I had been complaining how this book I was reading kept explaining words to me…