2007. The year that refuses to stop giving.

Jun 17, 2007 15:09

So. 1. I've been diagnosed with an allergy condition known as chronic urticaria. Pretty much I can break out in hives for little to no reason.

2. I fell while my friends and I were swimming early early early Saturday morning. It was dark, and my glasses were off so my depth perception was non-existent when I smacked into the small step on my way to the diving board. I skinned my knee really good. It's fantastically gross under the bandage with bits missing and such, and I also managed to scrape up and bruise the rest of my leg as well.

Basically it means that I won't be dancing for the next 2-4 weeks due to swelling and the size of the abrasion (dancing can rip it up while it's healing and potentially make it much much worse).

So yay for my life.

2007 - The years my best friends decided to hate me, they decided to sell my grandma's house, I went to the emergency room twice, my uncle died, ripped up my leg, and so much more is probably coming!

(there have been a lot of good things this year too. but the pain in my knee makes me bitter.)
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