May 09, 2009 22:02
Hi guys! I finally got ahold of Mitsuki and she got me set up for long-distance. :) Mostly I just wanted to say hello you guys. I'm sure there are people I haven't met, and hello to all of you, too!
Cabo is amazing. I've actually managed to get a tan, instead of just a sunburn, can you believe it? Annie's hair is practically white from the sun. I've learned to ride horses, and it's a lot of fun to go riding on the beach early in the morning.
Annie being Annie, of course, she got us into a really nice hotel, and a lot of variously famous and powerful people have come through. Met a few people interested in my music, but I've heard about the record industry - I don't want to sign anywhere. If I make an album, I'll make it myself. Written a lot of music, though, and I've started learning how to play the guitar, Mexican-style.
I've picked up a good amount of Spanish, which is, y'know, helpful. Still making the local musicians laugh with my poorly-written Spanish lyrics - I'm trying, but...
Well. I miss you all horribly, and I hope things are going better than they were this time last year.
Love and hugs to everyone, from your friendly ex-neighborhood Fallen Angel,
Becky ♥