Jan 06, 2006 00:22
You know you're a camp lifer if...
*80% of your clothing shows evidence of tie-dye.
*Abnormality is a compliment..
*All your co-workers could be clinically classified as either pyromaniacs, multiple personalities, or obsessive compulsive.
*Being at home makes you homesick.
*Dressing up only involves slightly cleaner clothes.
*Everything you own has your initials on it.
*It's socially acceptable to cry in front of your boss.
*Most of your stories start with "and then there was this one time, at camp..."
*The job training includes "the Cup Game."
*Peanut butter is its own food group.
*Sandal/watch tan lines are a competition.
*Screaming and running at the same time is a coveted skill.
*Sharpies and duct tape are worth more than gold.
*Water cures all ills.
*Camp has been over for 22 minute and you're already thinking about next summer.
*You can burst into song about anything.
*You can have a heated discussion over wether GaGa or Ultimate or Tetherball is better.
*You can make anything out of duct tape, including band-aids.
*You can shampoo, wash, shave your legs, etc, in less than 5 minutes.
*You can think of 50 ways to use a bandana off the top of your head.
*You can walk the woodsy paths at night without a flashlight.
*You don't think non-camp people can understand your summer job.
*You've made friends with the "office people" and the camp nurse just so you have a place to hang out.
*You eat ketchup and/or peanut butter with everything.
*You wonder why camp people give the best hugs.
*You go to school just to fill time between summers.
*You have a camp set of clothes.
*You have a collection of outfits for theme weeks.
*You have been in/seen an "interesting" production of Grease, Peter Pan, The Wizard of Oz, and/or Little Shop Of Horrors.
*You have about 20 mosquito bites in 1 square inch of skin.
*You have an entire volume of camp-friendly mixed CDs.
*You have tried to dance inside a moving vehicle.
*You don't do this for the money - and you mean it.
*You have no clue what's on TV until mid September, because you never watch it at camp
*You have to routinely prevent yourself from shouting, "walk, please!" or "where's your buddy?" at random kids at the mall, the grocery store, etc.
*You know all 753 verses of "Boom-Chica Boom"
*You know exactly how to get to camp from home by car, boat, plane or any other means of transportation.
*You can be blindfolded and lost in a remote location and you'll still know exactly how to get to camp.
*You know that laughter, hiccups, sneezes, itching, and yawns are contagious.
*You were dissapointed to find that you can't major in "camp".
*You never refuse free food.
*You refer to your campers as YOUR kids.
*You relate better to people 10 years younger or 10 years older than you than to your actual age group.
*You save anything and everything campers have ever made for you.
*You still enjoy the same songs you did at 5 years old.
*You value the friendship bracelet you got last summer more than any other piece of jewelry.
*You write song parodies for fun.
*Your "real world" friends have limited you to only 5 camp stories a day.
*Yous barter system relies on hugs, backrubs, and chocolate exchanges.
*You consider your camp friends your real family.
*You long for bug juice in the winter.
*Your friends know you're never home from June until the end of August.
*Your idea of a good song starts with the words "This is a repeat after me song."
*Your primary method of diplomatic resolution is rock, paper, and scissors.
*Your tan lines are also your dirt lines.
*Your voice quality at the end of the week is inversely proportionate to how good it was.
*Your water bottle and windbreaker are as essential as your underwear.
*Your year has only two seasons, summer and non-summer.
*You've given up time off to comfort a crying camper.
*You've ever written a paper about camp for a class.
*You've used your frozen Nalgene as an icepack.
*You've written down the camp address instead of your own.