Art dump

Jan 13, 2008 19:54

I had to reference my last post to see where I left off. XD

So... here we go!

Title: M3 story time
Fandom: Heroes
Rating: G

Pairing/Character(s): M3
Warnings: N/A
Media used: Ball point pen (I couldn't find mah pencil oh noes!)
Summary: Matt fell asleep during story time. He might regret this...
Author's Notes: A few issues, but this is a pointless fun piece, so... yeah.

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Title: Me, My wife, and Mr. Muggles
Fandom: Heroes
Rating: G

Pairing/Character(s): Noah, Sandra, Mr. Muggles
Warnings: N/A
Media used: Mechanical Pencil
Summary: He's waiting for her to come to bed... I guess there's a second person who decides if HRG gets laid.
Author's Notes: I can't draw animals.

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Title: I spy a flying man
Fandom: EarthBound
Rating: G

Pairing/Character(s): Uh... who ever the hell is in EarthBound *Shrugs*
Warnings: N/A
Media used: Mechanial Pencil
Summary: They see a flying man... and it scares them... or something.
Author's Notes: This is a gift for face since she's so crazy about EarthBound. I'm not 100% sure what's up with it, whose in it, what's going on, or what the characters are like. But when face fangirls, it gets scary... at least till she faints. I'm hoping she faints.

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Title: The Birds and the Bees
Fandom: Heroes
Rating: PG-13 for sexual graphs of an educational nature... yeah XD

Pairing/Character(s): M3
Media used: Mechanical Pencil
Summary: Based on episode three of artsy's series, Matt and Mohinder: The Adventures of Parenthood.
Author's Notes: Perspective is way off. I don't know where it went wrong, but rest assured it won't happen again. I'm not that happy with how Matt turned out, as opposed to previous works of him. Also, it shows what twenty+ years of maturity get you when artsy, linda and i stay up late, giggling at the reference diagrams I used for Mohinder's teaching aids. XD

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Title: I dunno... I'm debating calling it "Bat Shit Crazy"
Fandom: American Mcgee's Alice
Rating: PG - for a big ol' knife

Pairing/Character(s): Alice in fucked-upwonderland
Warnings: KNIFE! IT'S BIG AND SCARY! OoooOOooOoo
Media used: Not just a mechanically pencil, but a shit ton of fancy art ones that linda got me
Summary: she's gonna cut a bitch.
Author's Notes: A gift for dancingmidget27 , requested by his woman oh his behalf. Last I heard this was supposed to be a surprise, lets hope she kept it that way.

Also! PROGRESSION SCANS! I scanned the image three times total for... well... the hell of it.

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alternative lj-hosted link

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Also, to anyone that is 18+, like vampires and adult themes, please join the community. An additional, x rated piece will be posted shortly.

EDIT: I forgot to mention! Art requests are perfectly acceptably on any of my art posts. Be they a year old, I'll still get an e-mail regarding the comment. No promise it will be done, but if you have a suggestion it's more then welcomed!

character: poo, rating: pg-13, character: alice in wonderland, worri, character: molly walker, art, rating: pg, character: matt parkman, character: hrg, character: paula, character: mr. muggles, rating: g, fandom: american mcgee's alice, fandom: heroes, character: sandra bennet, character: mohinder, character: jeff, fandom: earthbound, character: ness

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