permissions post.

Jul 03, 2011 21:41

out of character ]

❶ backtagging ✓ ALWAYS. I will backtag forever, if I can.
❷ threadhopping ✓ IS COOL BEANS.
❸ fourthwalling ✗ No, please. That makes it rather awkward.
❹ canon puncture ✗ See above.
❺ offensive subjects ✗ UH, I never know what to put here. Just don't blur IC/OOC lines with sensitive social issues?

in character ]

❶ hugging this character ✓ totally fine. She loves hugs and will hug back! Unless she has reason to be wary of you or you're a complete stranger.
❷ kissing this character ✓ is also fine. If you're unsure, just IM me to be certain. I can't promise she'll reciprocate and she's the type to either A) run off or B) be super flustered about it.
❸ flirting with this character ✓ lmao it's cool. It'll fly over her head.
❹ fighting with this character ✓ physically? HAHAHA... she can't fight. Verbally is alright if the situation ever arises. Seriously, if your character wants to punch her in the face please IM me beforehand but there are always repercussions.
❺ injuring this character ✓ depends. Talk to me.
❻ killing this character ✗ as of right now, no.
❼ using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character ✓ DEPENDS FFFF... please talk to me about this because she knows things I would not like to be leaked IC. (Allen/the 14th, Pharos' true nature, all the stuff about the Bats...)
❽ shipping/sex ✓ sex? Non. Sorry, it's not happening. Shipping is... okay? IDK why you'd ever but again, can't promise she'll reciprocate anything. She friend zones almost everyone and you would have to build up CR with her for months before the thought even crossed her mind.

# paradisa, # permission

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