Nov 08, 2004 23:30's the night before I leave to go to Norfolk, VA... I'm looking forward to get this crap outta the way...but on the other hand I don't wanna leave town where all of my friends are for MORE than a month!!! *cries*
Have some sorta heart test thingy. Angio-something or another, I think it's called. That's the 11th. The doctors wanna see me once more before the actual surgery like the 12th or 13th or something. *shrugs* Then...the day. o.o;; November 15th when I have the surgery.
I'm gonna be SO bloody bored in the hospital... Good thing I bought tarot cards today. Gonna also have a book or two. *shrugs* And of course I could always finish the poem I started last night as I was trying to sleep. It's for you know who. *blushes slightly*
Anyway...I have a few more things to do before I go to bed, so I'll try to update before the surgery. We will have a laptop, so I'll be on as much as possible since it's for my mom's business. Anyway, I'm out!
"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction."
--Antoine De Saint-Exupery