This Saturday, from 2-4 in Trafalgar Square is a rally in favour of freedom of expression. It’s about freedom for everyone to speak without the fear of violence. I think the news items below explain best why I feel I need to go:
Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh has been stabbed and shot dead in Amsterdam. Van Gogh had received death threats after his film Submission was shown on Dutch TV. It portrayed violence against women in Islamic societies. The film was made with liberal Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali refugee who fled an arranged marriage. Ayaan Hirsi Ali has been under police protection since the film was aired; she has also received death threats. The Dutch Prime Minister said "it is unacceptable if expressing your opinion would be the cause of this brutal murder…We cannot resign ourselves to such a climate ".
That was in November 2004. She is still under police protection.
This is not dissimilar to the play in Birmingham that was forced to close after violent protests. “The play's author has revealed threats had been made against her and she has been advised by police not to say anything in public. “ The author was a Sikh woman. A woman who has been silenced by violent men, who have been dignified with being called “the Sikh community”.