So I had an interesting weekend. Friday I went to church and designed my first tape cover for my youth group, something I'll be doing a lot of over Christmas break. I also went to the practice for my church's children's ministry who was doing a Christmas play because I was gonna be doing cameras and the media team was planning shots while they practiced. I went home and watch some Family Guy Season 3 (thanks to Phil).
Saturday I went to the final play practice for the play. While I was at the practice my friend Clary called me twice but I couldn't get to the phone. When I called him back he let me know that he had an extra ticket to my church's Singles Christmas Social. That left me all of an hour and a half to get a haircut , shower, and dressed and meet him at the church, which I made it with time to spare, even after running an errand for my mom. Below are some pics.
Me and my boys Clary and Ron Hood (Hood is his real last name).
Me and Miriam, Clary's little sister
Sunday I got up at 5:30 (before the butt crack of dawn) make it to church at 6:30 (STILL before the butt crack of dawn) to do cameras for church. Fortunately I didn't have to work during second service so I came home and took a nap. After I woke up I ate dinner with the fam and went back to church to help do cameras for the children's Christmas play.