(no subject)

Sep 16, 2005 15:56

Things are going pretty well right now, I know I haven't written that much but there's not much outside of the norm to write about. I'm loving the Johnsonian position that I have now that I don't have to do all the computer stuff. It's long hours and little pay but it's all about the experience. So last night I definately stayed up with Matt until about 5:30 in the morning, then I woke up at 7:30 to go with Phil to take Ashley and Amy to the airport. It was all worth it cuz we got KRISPY KREME afterward. Dunkin' Donuts can kiss it for all I care. Anyway I went back to bed at about 10:30 and woke up at 3 and now I'm in the Publications Office and I'm about to go fix Ginny's router and eat some donuts.

Also my radio show started up. Everyone on campus should be tuning their TV's to channel 99 on Thursdays from 8-10pm. The name of my show is "Trading Places" it's a contemporary christian and hip-hop show. Call in at x2122 on campus or 323-2122 from any other phone. Or you can IM us at "wutradingplaces". Our show is fun and awesome...watch it!

In other news I find myself stumbling. I've conversed about it with some of my closer friends who can relate but I guess this forum will be good for a soul cleansing. I've been considerably tempted to buy an iPod lately. I don't know if it's just all the hype getting to me or if I'm actually starting to believe that it's a superior product. If I actually end up buying one I'll repeal all my former statements about how iPods are crappy over-rated and over-hyped.

Anyway it's Friday which means no classes so I'm gonna chill for the rest of the day. I'm gonna fix Ginny's router, get some dinner, and go with Phil to the WINR/Anthology concert since I work for WINR.
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