i really hate calling people out but this is just rediculous

May 10, 2005 23:14

ok so have u ever had someone contradict themselves blatently in an arguement. tonight i was having a conversation with a "friend" concerning how another friend was doing and it happened to be a situation that i didn't have the liberty of speaking on for the sake of confidentiality. they then said to me "you can tell me...we're all best friends", i have had two conversations with this person them explicitly telling me that they just simply can't confide certain in me. so they won't confide in me but they want me to share with them sensitive info with them, that isn't up to me to share in the first place? i don't think so.

this is a person that i have tried exhaustively tried to befriend to seemily no avail, everytime i try to exersice some friend type abilities by being truthful and not rubbing their ego, they simply shut me down. i'm simply ready to say "no more" i've given them more than my trademark 3 strikes in this area yet i try and try, i don't know why, but i'm growing weary of this fruitless struggle.

if this person wants to be a true friend with me, they don't neccesarily need to be ready to confide in me 100% but a certain amount of openness is required and with the amount of things that i've been there for them while they've gone through, i feel like i justifyably am owed much more than the exteme disrespect that i have recieved. i would appreciate an apology, but a genuine change of heart would be much more benificial to all parties.
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