Mar 28, 2005 18:56
ok so yeah that subject. those two words have caused me more trouble in the last few days than i really care to bring up. So it all started Thursday night, I had this dream that my mom and I were in an argument and she called me an Uncle Tom. For all of you that don't know what an Uncle Tom is ask a black friend of yours. So then in english class we have to read this poem called Mr. Z, it's about this guy who grows up thinking that there's something wrong with being black, so he tries to become raceless, marrying a jewish wife and moving to europe, in all his attempts to disconnect with his race, upon death it is said that he was one of the best of his race. I don't exactly identify with Mr. Z, but I feel like people have attempted to imply that I myself am Mr. Z. This really annoys me, I don't deny that I am someone...disconnected from the stereotypical black male, but that by no means means that I'm "not black" or not "black enough", this is just one of my pet peeves, so from now on whenever someone tries to assert this I will then engage them in a long argument over the identification of culture and how you can't pigeon hole a culture into a stereotype, this is just a warning. So if u wanna go there with me be prepared.