My friend called me as I was getting ready for work, and told me to look at a post that was made in our Yahoo group. Now usually I don't pay any attention to posts, because most of them are not pertaining to me. However, this one could not be ignored. Below is a copy of the exact post. Warning: ignorance is abundant in this post, and may not be
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Minority sub role in society:
Well in a multiracial/multi-ethnic society, there is a dominant culture and there are subordinate cultures. The dominant culture sets the framework of how society is perceived and what kind of values are set. For instance, America's dominant religion is mainly some form of Christianity. Therefore most people's values, their beliefs, etc. are based on Christian principles and values. It manifests in our legal system, our trade and services, our government, etc. Though there are other religions practiced here, they are in a subordinate position to the dominant one. Because of Christianity's ubiquitous manifestation in society, other people following different faiths are forced to work within the framework of what people following the Christian faith have set. It is why you see presidential candidates always mentioning the fact that they are Christian, mainly because most Americans are Christians, and gathering the votes needed to win the election, they have to factor in what Christians want; therefore, the Christian block influences the national culture. Now the subordinate religion can had an effect of society as well, however their effect is far less minimal than the majority religion.
The black girl calling you the N word is like a whole other subject entirely. :) Depending on the context, she probably considered you cool, and let her guard down, bringing you into the colloquialisms of black society. So keep on pimpin' the game, n**ga!!
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