Let The Weeding Process Begin

Mar 24, 2010 19:41

 These past six months have been kind of a blessing in disguise for me. Of  course, I have been super busy as hell with work project after work project, however I am finally seeing the fruits of my labor. (Hopefully it will come in the form of a raise.) I am learning more about myself than ever. It has been kind of fun actually. Who knew I was so talented! (lol)

Being busy has uncovered some things that I would have never  noticed, if I were idle. I am learning who is really my friend and who is just floating in the background. It is funny how I am majorly busy all the time, (just look at my Outlook schedule), and I still have time to hang out with friends or at least call them to catch up on life. Mainly because I put my friendships with people as a high priority. I am finding out that some people do not have their friendships with me as a high priority.  I am not asking to be the most important thing. I am not even asking the building of our friendship to be that urgent on your to do list. However you should at least call me once a week, to see how I am doing, that is if you concerned for my well being in the first place. I ask this, because I ALWAYS put out more effort than most people give me. No excuses anymore. So what if you are busy... I am busy too. I got shit to do myself.  So what if you are not a phone person.... I am not an IM person, but I still take time to IM my homies. Friendships take effort...and some of y'all ain't putting in even 50% effort...so don't expect my 100%.

In addition, I understand that work environment plays just as much a factor in being successful.  I like my job and I love the people I work with.  The main reason is that they are efficient and effective at what they do. Everyone works hard at my job. No one slacks off.  It is easy to dive in a daunting project, because i know my team will exhausting their last ounce of energy making it successful.  And they still have their sanity, which is weird. We deal with dire situations everyday, and we make something great out of it.  Sometimes we succeed...sometimes we fail... but we try our hardest. And that is what counts.

weeding process

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