Apr 13, 2012 21:45

Author/Artist: deadflowers5
Beta: amber1960 (You were amazing, thank you!)
Country: Hungary
Type: art and fic
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: none
Warnings: Crack
Summary: An Impala with his own mind, and two hunters in their easiest hunt with lot of girls. CRACK!

Notes: There is a legend about a hunt, when two brothers and their people following the miraculous hind, find a bunch of tündér (a kind of fairy), and with them they found two nations, and one of them is ours. There's a beautiful poem about it, you can find the english version here.
There was too much of a coincidence (brothers, the deer who guide them, and one of the tündér is Belár's girl) not to write about this.
The accompanying art was finished so much earlier than the fic, when I still thought the boys will be back in time hence the costumes.

The story and art this way

character: dean, length: 1000 - 5000, genre: slash, medium: story, country: hungary, character: sam, medium: art

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