Well, now!

Aug 12, 2008 16:21

It has been about three months since my last post. What a whirlwind time it has been!

Love life: Lovely. Really. She's wonderful and we're wonderful together.

Family life: Just got back from Missifuckinsippi, helping my mom deal with the aftermath of her mother's death. Let's just say, it wasn't pretty. Oh, and I can also add that being black in the deep South is NOT fun, especially for this politically progressive, out and obvious black butch dyke. I will also add that the devastation of Hurricane Katrina is still painfully visible and longlasting in the Gulf states; Biloxi still shows the scars and open wounds of the hurricane.

Leather life: Master/slave Conference 2008. I was glad to volunteer again, especially at a MUCH reduced pace. I had only three days in my own bed after getting back home from six days dealing with my mom and Missifuckinsippi before I was to report to the Conference hotel. I got there on Friday exhausted, got the silent auction set up, and managed to get some of the rest I lost in the two weeks prior. My girl met me the following day, and we had a great time at the event. I saw some dear old friends (and am reminded to see them more frequently than this once-a-year-at-Conference rate!), caught up with a dear new friend and the Woman she is serving, and made some valuable new acquaintances. Like so many of us who attended, I feel refreshed, renewed, and reaffirmed in my M/s. Always a good thing. I enjoyed facilitating the Roundtable and think I'm ready to take a certain Master's advice that I consider teaching workshops soon.

There is of course much more to share, but I'll end here for now and say that yes, for the time being, this butch is back!

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