Mar 12, 2006 15:05
Oh, yea, Livejournal... uh.. here we go
Work - Still at Brown Street. I've had to call the police 5 times in the last month (2 fights, 1 Theft, 2 people who wouldn't leave after we took their fake IDs). Entertaining for sure. I pull most of the night/weekend shifts, often by myself, which really blows.
ETPi - I'm currently serving as FEO of Delta Colony in Terre Haute, IN. That has been a bit difficult because of work and the next item ...
Car - On my way to work two weeks ago, I was in a car accident. I'm fine, but the front end of the Neon was completely trashed. It's out at Trimbach's right now, awaiting a fax from the other driver's insurance company ... which leads to ...
The rental Car - The first thing they gave me was a 05 Cobalt. Last weekend, a transmission hose broke. Luckily Budget brought me a 05 Taurus to replace it. I'll miss the V6 when my Neon gets fixed, but it's a big car, and it barely fits in the garage. I'm always extra careful when I'm going in or out of the damn thing.
Body - I keep putting on weight (Damn Girl Scout cookies! *shakes fist at sky*). This weekend I wrenched my shoulder out of place while saving myself from falling down the BWW stairwell (Drew probably remembers the stairs in question). And I feel sore all over.
Why I should be committed - I am now going back to school. I've signed up for computer information sciences at Sinclair. The plan is to become a Microsoft network manager, and take over the computer work at BWW/Milano's. Currently all that stuff is out-sourced, and by the time I'm certified, they'll be ready for a full-time troubleshooter/installer. ... well that's the plan anyway.
Why I'm broke - Aside from paying for Sinclair, I've also ordered a laptop from dell. Ideally it will still be reliable by the time I start working as a net manager. We'll see. For now, it will at least give me the option to do my Sinclair homework at BWW on their Wireless connection, so I can go from class to work, do homework in the bar until my shift starts, and then be on time without any issues.
Life outside work - BWHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!! hehe, Ahahhhahaa..! (hiccup)... woo, god that was funny... hehe... "a life" ... haha.. woo... *ahem* anyway...
Love Life - See above.
What really sucks is this - There is this girl at work who is cute, funny, and has a future (something most BWW employees lack). Of course, she is an employee, so that puts her out-of-bounds. Grrr... very frustrating ... she used to be a cheerleader too... damnit... she also spends time to talk to me ... Guh... blargh, life sucks at times. .. ... shit...
Other stuff - ... I have time for other stuff?