Mar 26, 2008 13:31
I have a date Saturday! I've been telling everyone which means it will probably go terribly. Basically she seems like a female version of me in a lot of ways, which is probably a bad thing.
We talked on the phone Monday for about an hour! Mostly about our new cars and Buffy. Did I tell you guys I finally got one? A 2002 Saturn. I hate it. It would be in bad taste to say a lot about her, but she does have a cat named after Daniel Jackson from Stargate.
Her little kitten is named Tobi (Maguire) and I told her that was so weird because (insert Toe-fur Grace joke here). She talked to me after that! Amazing! In any event it's been over a year since my last date.
I kant believe that! Mostly, I can't believe I let someone string me along for six dates without any action or definition before handing me the friend speech. Oh wellz.
This will be good! I've also been writing a bit. Brainstorming really. The premise is set and the tagline is:
"With great pizza, comes great responza'bility"