Jan 03, 2005 18:12
The truth is, people are hipocrites, no matter what. You pick something annoying that you don't like about someone else and you keep on drilling it into your mind which causes this feeling called 'hate.' This 'hate' is what drives you insane everytime you see that person, or just anything that bothers you in general because the mentality of the teenager is that we are indistructable and that only us are worth time for the world, I digress and I say that we are hipocrites because we all do the same things. We all eat, breathe, drink, excrete wastes, reproduce, etc. etc. So why do you hate other people? Because you know in some way or form THEY ARE better than you in a sense, and you can't do anything about it, if you tried you'd be shunned by everyone, or you'll become a sellout. So why am I writing this? Because I am at the bottom of the social chain? Because I am at the top? Haha, I am writing this because I am NOT on the social chain. I have every right to say these things, and the reason is: I have noticed these people for what they are, which is most everyone, no one is exempted from the test of life, and I have passed with flying colors. So don't give me any crap about this, I'm already ahead of you in life.
No point in writing anymore when no one can understand what I'm saying, so to all of you little twits and spoiled brats out there: Try and be like me, make it a 'fad' I don't care, see how far you get in life for becoming a clone of one person. Disgusting...