WF Gift Exchange Art - Prompt A10

Dec 20, 2010 19:12

Pairing(s)/Character(s): Bruce/Clark
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Disclaimer:  I don't own them, and I'm definitely not going to be making money from this.
A/N :  Originally meant to fill prompt A10 at the WF Gift Exchange.  I had a whole series of panels planned, unfortunately my life went crazy.  I only had time to complete this one, and even then I didn't have time to really bring it to the level of quality I had wanted.  I apologize profusely, but will be going out of town for Christmas so I needed to upload this today.  It tentaively looks like things should (hopefully) be calming down around mid-January - or else I'll be going crazy, either way I'll have more time to dedicate to this and hopefully provide something significantly better.

Can be found here.

fanart: gift exchange

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