In June of this year, it will be 70 years since Action Comics #1 first hit newstands everywhere. I'm amazed (and very grateful) that the comic book industry has survived this long, considering Marvel was about to go bankrupt in the 1990s and sales were rapidly falling for all comic book publishers by the late 90s.
At any rate, I can't wait to see what DC Comics has in store for every Superman fan. You know
DC's not gonna sit quietly and let this special little year slip by... ;)
Unfortunately, The Dark Knight will be released in July of this year and not a Superman movie. I personally wish both DC and WB had planned this out better so that a sequel to Superman Returns would be released this year, and then have The Dark Knight be released next year since that will be Batman's 70th. Instead, we're getting TDK this year and this... supposedly CGI'd JLA movie next year.
But hey, there might be something really cool for both Superman's and Batman's 75th in 2013. :)