And after 468 pages worth of Word documents, there's finally a pay-off in Chapter Four for people who have been following since the beginning. : )
Truth and Justice: The Third Year (Chapter One) Truth and Justice: The Third Year (Chapter Four) Title: Truth and Justice - The Third Year
Characters: Bruce Wayne/Batman, Dr. Martha Kent/Superwoman, Alfred Pennyworth, Lian Harper/Quiver, Roy Harper/Arsenal, Wally West/Flash, Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, Green Lantern Grendel Gardner, Midori, Meera Buhpathi, Iris West/Blitz, Linda Park, Clay Kent, Dick Grayson, Koriand’r, Harvey Dent. Special Guest Hero: Diana Prince/Wonder Woman.
Rating: R, primarily for violence and language, sexual situations
Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Dr. Martha Kent, Roy Harper/Midori, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Wally West/Linda Park. Bruce Wayne/Roy Harper friendship.
Summary: A new and infinitely friendlier World’s Finest team sees the crime rate in Gotham plummet. The younger Justice Leaguers come into their own. Batman finally allows himself to be happy and Clark turns out to be super at denial. There’s also a wedding. Action/Adventure, Drama, Angst, Romance, Humor.
Word Count: 25, 815
Disclaimer: I don't own any character trademarked by DC Comics or characters in this story that are derived from or inspired by them.