And 235 Word pges later, I am doing the finito dance!
Here are the links to the first and most recent chapters. New readers may want to look at Truth and Justice: The First Year (much shorter) before starting this one.
Many thanks to those who have stuck it out through these last months.
Chapter One - Chapter Twenty One - Truth and Justice: The First Year - Title: Truth and Justice - The Second Year
Characters: Bruce Wayne/Batman, Dr. Martha Kent/Superwoman, Alfred Pennyworth, Lian Harper/Quiver, Roy Harper/Arsenal, Wally West/Flash, Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, Linda Park, Clay Kent, Green Lantern Grendel Gardner, Midori, Meera Buhpathi, Dick Grayson, K'oriander, Harvey Dent, The Joker, some new bad guys and some very nasty old ones.
Rating: R, primarily for violence and language, sexual situations
Pairings (in order of significance): Bruce Wayne/Dr. Martha Kent (UST), Roy Harper/Midori (original character), Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Wally West/Linda Park. Bruce Wayne/Roy Harper friendship.
Summary: The team becomes more cohesive than ever under Arsenal's leadership. Batman wrestles with his feelings for Superman's adult daughter and his fears about Alfred's mortality. Batman heavy. Action/Adventure, Drama, Angst, Romance, Humor.
Disclaimer: I don't own any character trademarked by DC Comics or characters in this story that are derived from or inspired by them.
Word Count: 87,000
Thanks for your consideration.