"So, Damos," you say..." wasn't there supposed to be an ebook for the WFGEs... LAST YEAR?"
Why yes. Yes there was. It ran late. But now it has arrived.
At any rate here it is:
WFGE 2010 ebook (more than 500 pages by more than 25 artists and authors!)
And, of course, here are the "back issues."
WFGE2009 ebook. (downloaded more that 460 times!))
WFGE2008 ebook (downloaded more than 570times!)
WFGE2007 ebook (downloaded more than 890 times!)
WFSG2008 ebook (the Summer Games contest ebook which has been downloaded more than 570 times!)
WFA2006 ebook (the World's Finest Awards Original Fic contest ebook which has been downloaded more than 440 times!)
Now I must return to working on the 2011 ebook...