LOG; there's no planning in this; ERICH + MIEKE

Nov 30, 2006 18:53

Yuzu and I are awesome procrastinators. Enjoy the mental images of Erich wearing shit he would never wear.


Mieke hasn't thought ahead longer than a week at the time for the last two years. If there were plans to be made, they were always of the day before quality, or the hour before, or minute, or second, and it doesn't bother her. Going over to Erich's apartment is always one of those kind of things, but it's become more of a natural part of the week than a decision she has to make these days, and watching TV isn't something they really think about, it just happens.

She stares at the screen for a second or two, before pausing, raising herself up on her arms to look at him, considering before she asks.

Erich, for his part, hasn't really thought that far ahead since he was a teenager. By the time he left Berlin, he stopped caring, and he was doing just fine figuring it out a day at a time, so really, why bother? About the extent of his planning ahead these days comes down to being sure he has enough booze to make it through the weekend. But it works for him, and Mieke doesn't seem to mind it, so that's good enough for him.

He's about to light up when realizes she's looking at him, and pauses. "Something up?"

"Erich." She waits again, just a little, for impact, and pulls herself up into a sitting position, staring at him as a smile forms on her face. There's no planning in this, and she's quite sure Charlene will be horribly mad once she finds out, and maybe Casper will be sad at missing the opportunity to laugh at her dressed in white, but she doesn't really think about it.

"Want to elope?"

Is she even sure he'll agree? Oh well.

That takes him by surprise, and he doesn't move for a moment while it sinks in. Several seconds later, he finally raises the lighter, gives it a flick, sets it down and takes a drag from his cigarette.

It's sudden to be sure, but that's how those sorts of things are supposed to work, right?

"Sure, why not."

She'll never admit to being a little nervous, and doesn't give it a chance to settle at all, taking the cigarette out of his hand and taking a drag herself before giving it back to him. It's not exactly the same as the Circle, but it'll do for calming her down.

"Dover?" comes the next question, and why she's still sitting is a bit of a wonder to her, really.

There might be a little voice in the back of his head asking him if he realizes just what the hell he's doing, because eloping means marriage, right, and hell knows he didn't see much in his own family history to give him a good impression of that particular institution, but it's Mieke, really, so how bad can it possibly be?

"Works for me?"

Mieke's smile grows even wider as she slips her legs out of the couch and gets to her feet, heading for his bedroom to pack for them both (he'll regret it later, she'll make sure of that).

"You get the white dress~"

"Hey. You try to put me in one of those and I'll have to leave you at the altar, you know." He gets up - a bit more slowly than her, but he's right on her tail as she heads for the bedroom, because after a joke like that, who knows what she'll pull if he leaves her alone with his clothes?

"So I'll actually get you to the altar first wearing it?" She grins, stuffing what she can find into a dufflebag, and yes, that is a hawaiian print shirt and the other is tiedye, why do you ask?

"That entirely depends how drunk you get me first." Then again, with the tolerance he's built up, if she gets him drunk enough to wear that she might have to skip the wedding and check him into the hospital before his liver gives out.

Wait, since when did he own hawaiian print?

"It would be something stylish." She tries to defend, zipping the bag shut and turning to him again. "Minimal lace and ribbons, perhaps some poofy arms and a very slinky skirt."

He'll make it through the whole trip wearing the clothes he's already got on every day if he has to. "Isn't half the point of eloping that nobody has to wear that crap?"

"I thought it was to be impulsive." Wedding night, and she's stealing the ones he's already got on. Although she's likely to buy him something completely new, she feels it her obligation to bring home a picture of tiedyed Erich for everyone else, since they'll miss the ceremony. "But you don't want to see me in white?"

He can just refuse to leave the hotel room. That works, too. "You, sure. Me, cold day in hell."

"Will you wear a suit, then?" She pauses, taking his hand as she drags him back out the door, taking the time to write a quick note to Tinka before they actually leave the apartment, as well as stuffing a special treat for Jack under the teenager's pillow. "... because I'm not sure I've actually seen you in one."

"If I agree to wear a suit, am I excused from wearing anything else you might try to stuff me into?" Because that much he might be able to handle.

"And no, you haven't seen me in one." He would remember if she had, of course.

She considers it for a moment, before deciding that, yes, indeed, it would be worth seeing him willingly in a suit. "Deal."

Fuck you, tiedye! "I'm holding you to that one."
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