[[Treasure Planet: Day 5]]

Jun 19, 2007 22:52

I love outer space. I think I'm going to buy a gigantic telescope when I leave this planet so I can always look at the night sky. Just... all the stars, the galaxies... There’s always this warm light. *hearts float above head*

Oh! By the way- Progress has been made on the "Convincing Jim I'm not insane" front! =D See, after I finished marking down the map, and looking it over, I went out and saw Jim mopping up whale gunk from yesterday (there’s a lot more than the movie showed. It is thick and sticky. Ugh). Taking pity on the poor guy, I found an extra mop, and started helping him.

We got talking -- both of our families aren't exactly what you'd call picture perfect. Plus, I think I finally got the point about Earth going boom through his thick head. I explained how I don't want anything to happen to this place, and lose another home. He seemed to understand that. (I'm worried about the state of the Heartless invasions... but the worlds seem to be holding their own so far, knock on wood)

Dr. Doppler's been great; his lessons about the solar system help a lot with my job. =D Plus he's so much fun to talk to, and so useful for finding out random tidbits of information.

All in all, a day which left me with a good taste in my mouth. Ah, not literally. It was a long and tiring day too, so I'm not all together right now. *sheepish smile*

Oooh, the train starts running tomorrow, doesn't it? Cool!

Ah! Here comes the Cap'n... Gotta go!

treasure planet

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