[[Treasure Planet: Day 4]]

Jun 18, 2007 22:35

Okay, first off, for the record, Captain Amelia is frickin' scary in real life. I'm absolutely terrified of her. D:

Moving on! So our day began bright and early. Dr. Doppler, Jim and I said our goodbyes to Sarah, and then took a shuttle to the space port. And wow, that place is absolutely amazing. The buildings are gorgeous and old, the sun (somehow) shines so bright, and there’s this wonderful bustling energy.

We did our last minute supply run before arriving though (speaking of which-- I am now prepared to abandon the ship in an emergency, without leaving anything behind. I've got basic supplies, matches, first aid, this world's version of a flashlight...should be useful later). Sheesh. If you people found Doppler's spacesuit goofy in the movie, its so much sillier in real life. Poor guy.

The ship is so much bigger than I would've expected. And egads, the crew is so scary looking. *shivers* And the first mate, Arrow, the rock guy is very intimidating at first.

Sadly, I am to share the Captains private quarters, because according to her ,"This crew is not to be trusted with one such as yourself." meaning I'm a girl and thus can't sleep with the crew. = /

On the plus side, I now am being paid to be the navigator for the crew. Meaning every night, Jim opens the sphere and I mark down the route on the maps. I don't know how to do it exactly, but its this, or help Jim swap the deck, which might interfere with the plot. D: Ah well; I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon enough.

All day I try to stay out of the crews way, and do my work at 'night', and then fix the work in the morning. Which means I'll have enough spare time to take in the scenery. Outer space is breathtaking... the stars shine so brightly still. It's actually really reassuring, knowing that other worlds are out there still.

Jim still thinks I'm insane, because of how much the crew freaks me out. And the fact that I'm so twitchy. I'm dreading the day we pass the star that supernovas. I'd love to steer around it, avoiding the incident in it's entirety, but I know that's not possible. *yawns* It'll take a bit to adjust to waking up early. I think I'll go to sleep soo-

Oh! The whales are passing by! I've gotta go see 'em. =D I'll report more tomorrow~! Later!

treasure planet

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