Location: Secret Day: Unknown (Not much help, I know)

Nov 22, 2007 12:07

Hey all, longtime no see or post.

I just have a few minutes until my next training session starts, but since it is an Earth (No longer That-Was) holiday, I actually got a half hour off today. I was able to E-mail my family, who are hopefully are enjoying Thanksgiving despite my absence, and I figured I'd let you all know I am still alive.

I've gotten a lot stronger over these past few months, hopefully it will be enough.

Well, wherever you all are, I hope you're enjoying good food with people who are important to you. Me, I have to go back and practice my fire spell again until I can flame-broil the Turkey. The 20ft tall Turkey with razor sharp talons...

My teacher has a unexpectedly twisted sense of humor.
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