Traverse Town, Day...Um...Bajillion?

Sep 25, 2007 14:50

 Looks like security around this place is getting tighter and tighter, with both the preparations for the Masquerade and the frequent transportation of things to Hollow Bastion. Merlin's been really tired these days, juggling setting up decorations to enforcing barriers on Traverse, along with Cid. In the midst of it all, he's still helping me practice my Fire and Cure Spells, which are coming along nicely. I have the control needed for magic, but lack more in power.

Leon seems more edgy than usual also, increasing patrols in Second and Third District. Yuffie had to drag him back to the Hotel one night, just so he could get a few hours of sleep, and a few bites to eat... It's gotta be tough being the leader.

I am helping packing, and transporting large objects via Gummi to Hollow Bastion whenever Cid needs something moved. Being rather busy, I really had no time to prepare my Masquerade Costume. There's also been a really weird, mysterious being showing on here, that said he's showing up this weekend. I wonder if I can try to find them... I'm a sucker for investigating things.

Well, I've gotta sign off here. Yuffie and Aerith were nice enough to try to help me with a costume, and they've found some materials I can work with. If anyone needs Gummiship Transportation, drop a line!

gummi ships, traverse town

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