High School Musical - Got the meds

Sep 12, 2007 11:52

Okay, so for those of you who didn't know, I had to be shuttled to Albuquerque, DCOM-style to get meds for my little brother. Got 'em, he's good, we're good, and I'm ready to go back to Twilight Town.

I must say, it was WEIRD spending the night here. There's a constant back-beat... it's as much a part of this world as rocks, trees, grass, the sky. I had the good fortune to witness a musical in progress near the pharmacy - something about driver's ed.

Good luck to everyone in Traverse Town... I know the end is near, and my mom is eager to get back home. I told her I might stay... she thinks I'm crazy for wanting to live in Twilight Town (or maybe even the Destiny Islands, I haven't made my mind up yet), but I like it here. My job pays pretty good, and right around the corner is all the magic and fantasy I've spent my whole life dreaming about, wishing for it all to be real. Why would I give it up?

But yeah.

twilight town

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