Traverse Town, day who the hell cares anymore

Sep 12, 2007 14:10

ffhfhfhfhfhf "Jesus-in-yellow-shoes" actually stopped by Cid's the other day to work on his ship. Pretty much Cid came to me (I was sitting in the shop on my computer) and said, "... we need guns. Lots of guns."

Ffhfhfh, so Sora would come in and check on the progress, along with Donald, Goofy, Jimminy, and then Chip and Dale (yes, all of them. Chip n Dale apparently DO go with Sora, they're just his engineers and usually take care of the ship while he's out)

So the end uhh of this is that uhh

I worked on Sora's ship :D
... it's nice. Nicer than anything I built in the game. And it does have a lot of guns. Also, engines. Damn. But when it came in it had a whole ton of energy scarring and holes in it. The thing was beat up like all hell, and I couldn't help but think "a fourteen year old kid has been through THIS?!" Dear god. The stuff he goes through for us... :\

He's so nice, though... he seemed a little... scared. Apprehensive. But given where he's going soon, I would be too. God, I worry for him. I hope this all turns out like we think it will... I hope to Light he doesn't get hurt. None of them. I wanted, so badly, to give him a hug and thank him for everything he's done, and tell him that it'll all be OK. Damn.

But I can't. Noninterference and all that.

... I did paint a KH heart on the nose of his ship though, with a crown inside it. >>; He thought it was OK, but then said that flames would have been cooler *laughs* so I did that, too.

... this is so fangirly. heh.

((OOC: This is OK right?))

gummi ships, traverse town

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