Traverse Town, Day are we even counting anymore?

Sep 11, 2007 19:17

((Sorry about the length - the Lj cut refuses to work))

So...meant to post looooooonnnnnnnnnggggggggg time ago. But magic lessons ate up my free time - not that I'm ungrateful. In fact, I'm very, very happy about learning magic. Though my dodge roll is awesomer then Sora's, being able to really put up even a little fight is nice.

I didn't have nearly as much trouble as I expected to with Thunder. Seriously, I felt like I was channeling Larxene...okay, so I almost electrocuted myself one...or twice...or five times. But, it didn't take me long at all to start producing sparks! Maybe it helped that I kind of knew what to expect after reading all the stuff posted here, in which case many thanks to all the magic users.

So yeah, I can actually produce a pretty decent thunder spell, though it's not without a need for much practice and fine tuning. Maybe one of these days, I'll catch up to Ryuu and Anzilla - doubtful, but I can dream. I am having a harder time with Aero...I can make the wind form something, but it can't serve as a shield. Merlin said that at this point, all I can do is practice and work on my concentration.

This is totally irrelevant, but Merlin has so many books! I could stay in there reading forever if I could...then again, that's also how I felt in the Hollow Bastion library...danger is nothing when surrounded by literature. Must shut up now - oh! The big important part of the post!

Okay, so Sora was here the other day. I found out by accident - Merlin sent me to get something from Aerith, and when I got to the house...

Me: *knock*
Kairi: *opens door*
Me: ...Kairi! :D

And, and, she remembered my face! From back in Destiny Islands - I was happy. Anywho, we actually talked for a minute or so while Aerith was getting Merlin's thing (it was an herb or something...I sound so stupid). Before I left, she told me that Sora was in town, so I decided to hunt him down keep a lookout so I could maybe say hi to the kid whose saving the universe for us.

I ended up not having to look very hard. When I got to third district, I was - not surpriseingly - attacked by lots and lots of heartless. Well, I decided, after a little bit of dodge here-hit there-dodge again I would try my Aero spell. It failed, terribly, and while I was was casting, a Darkball noticed I wasn't paying attention and thought to attack me from behind. And...

Sora popped up and killed it. I kid you not. Jesus in Yellow Shoes himself saved my ass. My life is complete now. I can die happy (not that I want to - don't get any ideas you stupid Wyvern that I swear is stalking me...and was stalking me in Hollow Bastion...nah.) So then I got to talk to Sora.

And thus, I had a very, very happy day that I have bored you all with. But I'm still happy!

((Mods, if I jumped the gun on Sora being in Traverse Town, lemme know and I'll fix it. Don't want to cause any trouble.))

traverse town

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