Halloween Town - Day... 60-something

Aug 27, 2007 09:53

OOC:  I haven't been posting lately because of issues in real life, but here's my shiny new post.

My sister and I have been going to school, for some semblance of normalcy and because we have to. Also, there's a medieval fair-ish thing going on soon, and they're training us in fake weapons. Fake weapons + actual training sounds like a good trade-off, because then Vánargand (you know, the sword I won off of Oogie in a crooked poker game) would be good for something besides talking.

I kind of hope I don't have to use Vánargand against anything besides Heartless.  I'm fine with killing Heartless because they're trying to take my heart for their own, and I kind of NEED my heart to live, but up against an actual person I'd have some severe issues.

I've... kind of bonded with Vánargand. We don't argue as much, at least. I went emo for a while because, you know, our family and friends are presumed dead and it's finally sunken in, and it led into this really long talk because Vánargand is sort of immortal, being a sword and all.  It makes me wonder if she's actually an enchanted person instead of a sentient sword.

I'm learning swordsmanship, obviously, and my sister's learning archery.  We go over the lessons with our real weapons after school's out and I have no more deliveries.  Also, I have good technique, but it turns out that an actual sword's weight and length kind of... you know... highlights my lack of upper-body strength.

Like a mentally healthy person, I practice magic to make myself feel better.  Not sure why I literally can't cast stronger spells (Jack said it's because of this really weird problem that affected all the mages), but I'm getting used to casting Fire, Cure, and Thunder.  Gravity is surprisingly hard to learn for some reason--maybe because I'm a harpy most of the time?  I never really like Gravity anyway, since it takes a long time even if it saps your enemies' energy.  Jack says I'm progressing faster in offensive magic because my natural aggression tends to direct my magic towards attacking.

Anyway!  I heard Roxas was born, he's met up with Xemnas, and now he's Organization Roxas.  I am SO going to eavesdrop on him and Axel on the clock tower.  The problem (that is, if I could retain my harpy form in Twilight Town) is whether my wings would give me away and screw up canon.  I can fly pretty easily considering how rusted my wings look, but people have learned to listen for a lot of screeching metal whenever I make deliveries to hard-to-reach spots.

You know what?  Screw that whole paragraph--I'll use binoculars!  It's easier  and lazier and it doesn't involve potentially disastrous magic-that's-kind-of-wonky-for-some-reason-Jack-still-can't-explain.

And I'm not thinking of taking a vacation and going to various worlds just to find Demyx and see how totally badass he is in real life!  It might be a bit hard, since if Roxas exists then most of the worlds are sealed, but I will totally find a non-canon-screwing way to meet Demyx!
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