[[Treasure Planet: Day 12]]

Jun 26, 2007 23:50

Yesterday was the longest day of my life. I kept on meaning to get over here, and post an entry. But then something would happen, and then another thing, and then another thing, until here I am, back on Montresser, in the guest room Dr. Doppler gave me till we rebuild the Benbow Inn.

And so, I'll start back at the beginning.

We survived the supernova. Yay. <3 Well, everyone except for Arrow. Poor guy, no one deserves to die like that... Ah, but the movie lied. Black holes =/= lotsa bright lights. It is in-fact a black sucking hole which leads to Oblivion. But, it did distort the light of the stars around us. Pretty cool. But man, when we were waiting to ride out the last sonic boom, it was like the world was ending all over again. I collapsed into a mushy pile of nerves and jelly, but recovered when the light came back. I recovered while Amelia made her speech and Jim had his angst fest. I felt so bad for him. My heart broke. I wished there was a way to tell him for sure that it wasn't his fault that Arrow died. But I couldn't, so I didn't.

The next morning, the crew mutinied nice and early. Luckily, I slept with my pack of stuff. =D; Paranoid? Me? Nooo. And the Cap'n gave me one of those charging zappy blast-y guns. Doppler got one too. We ran for the dingy thing, while Jim and Silver had their little ego duke out over the map and Morph. I curled up into a small ball in the middle of the ship, and didn't get in the way with us escaping. =D;

When we crashed landed onto the planet though... *shudders* Captain Amelia was banged up pretty badly. Disney always downplayed injuries. I followed Jim as he went out exploring (because I really really wanted to meet B.E.N. when he first comes. I love that robot :]) so as to also leave Doppler and Amelia alone to make gooey Bambie eyes to one another.

B.E.N. (who is that awesome in real life) lead us to his house, where we set up base for a bit. I brought out my first aid kit after Amelia said "Doctor... You have wonderful eyes" and Doppler said "She's lost her mind! =O". Then, as Jim (and BEN and Morph) went off to get the map, I wandered around the cave as Doppler fixed up Amelia.  Sadly, the pirates did take us by surprise, and we were captured. Jim came back with the map, and we were being held hostage, blah blah blah. Stupid pirates... they took away my bast-y gun. :(

Jim insisted on going along to find the treasure, since he's the map dude. And, he also demanded I be able to come along too. *sighs* I could've killed him. Because, well, what if I messed up the plot, right? But he said I was the navigator and I should come, and I couldn't say no, right? Plus, I really really wanted to see the treasure.

And wow. In real life? It was absolutely breathtaking. So shiny and beautiful... *blushes* I, uh, kinda grabbed a small handful and stuffed it in my sock (more on that later. And yes, I do store things in my sock. I'm a freak that way). But, I hightailed it outta there with BEN when the mechanism started up. Is it bad that I wasn't upset when most of the pirates went Bye Bye? I mean, I was a bit sad, but they were...transformed into something else when they saw the treasures. If the Heartless were here, I'm sure the pirates would have lost their hearts.

Anyways. We managed to escape from Treasure Planet, and made it safely back to the space port. It was so nice to see Sarah again. She hugged Jim, and then me, and then met Captain Amelia (by then, Silver already went off into the wild blue yonder. I wish he could've stayed... He was a half decent guy, odd as he was). We stayed the rest of the day, cashing in the (small) amount of loot.

Okay, so about taking the treasure... Don't worry. I just bought myself some better traveling clothes, a study pole staff thing to thwack Heartless with when I meet them, and more traveling supplies. I kept a small amount to use when I move around (I'm fourteen, and worry about supporting myself when I'm out around different planets) but gave the rest to Sarah, for the inn. Yes, I know Silver gave Jim some for that, but I feel better off knowing there's no threat of them running out of munny.

Amelia's decided to live with Doppler for the time being, "but you can't really expect her to settle down, do you?" to quote her. Man, those two are such a great couple. It was so much fun watching them interact. And BEN too! Man, that guy's my hero, for bothering Jim so much. XD

Which brings me to the end of the journey. We're all staying with Dr.Doppler (he has a HUGE house) until the Benbow Inn is completed. I plan to stick around here 'till next Wednesday, helping out.

You know, if I wasn't so eager to see other worlds, I'd love to just live here until Sora restores the worlds (knock on wood). Because I know when things are normal, I won't see these people ever again, save for cartoon caricatures of themselves in the movie. I'll really miss them. I talked to Sarah for a long time about this. She says I'm welcome any time. This planet will definitely be my home base. I'll come back here whenever I can to visit. I just pray the Heartless leave it be...

Things around here are gonna be a little dull, so I probably won't give you guys updates every day. But I'll be around, commenting when I can. Oh! And if anyone stops by, remember, I'm on Montresser, in Dr. Doppler's house. It's a big mansion, you can't miss it.

By the way... I got my blast-y gun back from the pirates. >: D Amelia's been taking me to a shooting range, so I'm getting better with it. Ph34r m3h! Muwahaha! ...Sorry about that. My brother was big on l33t, so I've tended to have a habit for using it sometimes. *blush*

Mph. I'm tired. We've got a crew to help us, but building inns are hard work. I'm going to bed soon, but not after I raid Doppler's library and get myself some books to read! *leaves to do so* Yay books. <3

treasure planet

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