Info about you~

Jan 23, 2008 20:57

What's this section? This is basically a 'get to know you' type of thing. The only reason we are doing this is to keep people from godmodding, and to keep track of you guys, and for you to get to know the other RPers!

  • Please use the given form for this.
  • There is no age limit to be yourself in this part.
  • Please, if you have more than one comment ( Read more... )

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lewdness January 24 2008, 02:26:09 UTC
About you
Name: chiiaroscuro, Chii
Age: 18
Handle for AIM/MSN/YIM/ICQ, though AIM is advised, heavily: I ceiling sex I [aim], chiiaroscuro at hotmail dot com [msn]
Email: twilight . path at gmail . com
Previous RPs, and the character that you played: Roxas, over at parisacity
Character you are playing in this RP, if applicable: Myself only.

Appearance: I'm 5'8", shoulder-length reddish-brown hair (currently, this changes every few months) and blue eyes. Currently, I wear glasses, and can't see a foot in front of my face if I do not wear them. I prefer to wear jeans, tennis shoes and a t-shirt with a hoodie if the weather is chilly.
Personality: I'm very outgoing, though can sometimes be snarky and sarcastic and not mean it. I like to go and do things with my friends, procrastinate horribly, and am rather clumsy, so please don't let me near a sword or anything pointy unless I really need to be.
Family: I lost my entire family when the Heartless attacked Earth, so the only people I have left are the other refugees I might come upon.
Abilities, prior experience, weapons, etc. For a brief amount of time I was trained with a sword, though still am pretty much beans at it. Magic-wise, I was taught a very low-level fire-spell, and really, am not that great at that either. Practice makes perfect, though!

Please provide a very brief example of how you write/RP, just so people get an idea of how you do it.
First:[Taken from Parisa City's Roxas application, where I play Roxas, obviously] So my job is okay, I guess. I’m getting money for it, which is of course something good; I was making enough over at the restaurant but it couldn’t hurt to have a secondary job for pocket change and munny if I want to do anything else. I swear though, the boss is insane. He asked me to deliver this book to some obscure house out in the middle of nowhere (told me it was within walking distance- yeah, it was, after an hour) and I didn’t even know that we did book deliveries. We ended up finding it and delivering the book and I got a tip from the woman. Don’t really know if we’re allowed to accept tips but she wouldn’t take no for an answer and Lumine likes shiny things even if he won’t admit it. It’s odd, honestly; the more I think about it the more it seems like it really shouldn’t matter where I was before this but that makes me want to know more about it.

…I think I’m just tired. Walking around aimlessly was grand and all but I think I’ll finish up on here and just go to sleep for the night.

Third:Lumine sighed heavily as if Roxas had just asked him to donate his left wing but stretched his wings out anyway. He was just as tired of wandering aimlessly to wherever this address was; honestly, what kind of person lived in a place that was so impossible to find?

Releasing his grip on Roxas’ hair, Lumine crouched and then took off with a flurry of brightly colored wings, circling up to try and read street names and deliver this stupid book. Below him, Roxas leaned against a wall, tapping his fingers against the face of the book absently, watching the fairy flit to each street sign around them until he turned a corner and vanished from Roxas’ sight. Bored, Roxas opened up the book and thumbed through it absently, skimming pages and realizing with yet another sigh that there was absolutely nothing interesting to be found in the pages. Thankfully Lumine showed up again a few moments later, coming to hover in front of his face, arms crossed.

“You find it?” Roxas asked lazily, holding out a hand for the fairy to stand on. Nodding, Lumine pointed to the right. “Great. Took you long enough.”

Lumine turned around with a dirty look, scowling at the teasing smirk on Roxas’ face. “Don’t make me bite you again,” he muttered, pushing off of the blond’s hand and fluttering over to land on Roxas’ shoulder.

Any Questions? None, hah.


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