is all shiny and new. Tons of useful information in English, Hebrew, Arabic, German, French, Spanish, Itlaian and Portugese. Read about the events, the JOH, Israel, Jerusalem, and anything else you's like to know.
From the new improved website, the WorldPride schedule as of today.
Please note: This schedule is tentative and subject to change-- check back here for further updates!
Opening Event
19/08/05 (evening)
Religious Services - including many Kabbalot Shabbat!
Tours of Jerusalem
LGBT Health Day
22/08/05 (ev.) - 23/08/05
Interfaith LGBT Clergy Conference (at Hebrew Union College; Keynote speaker: Rev. Gene Robinson, Bishop of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire. Conference co-chairs: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, Congregation Beth Simchat Torah; Bishop Troy Perry, Metropolitan Community Churches; Rabbi Naamah Kelman-Ezrachi, HUC)
Academic conference “Sexuality, Religion, and the Nation State”: first day devoted to academic lectures, second day to student meetings and workshops
Human Rights Day (with Amnesty International-Israel)
24/08/05 (ev.) -25/08/05
Keshet Ga´ava - The Jewish LGBT world congress conference
Worldpride March & Outdoor Festival
Beach party in Tel-Aviv, produced by The Tel-Aviv municipality
LGBT film festival at the Jerusalem Cinematheque; Theatrical Performances, with "Khan", "Laboratory" and "Hazira" theatres; Art Exhibitions at several spaces and galleries in Jerusalem; LGBT Parties.
WorldPride art exhibits:
15 Israeli artists commemorate the 10 year anniversary of the groundbreaking exhibit on sexual and gender identity, "Eize Min Ani," at Beit Ha-Omanim
An exhibit on the theme of David and Jonathan at the Print Workshop.
An exhibit with ultra-orthodox themes by Binyamin Reich in the municipal gallery on Safra square.
A feminist themed exhibit at the municipal gallery at Tedi Stadium.
A male nude photography exhibit by Arthur Tress.
Each of these exhibits will run for the entire duration of WorldPride, and will also include several events - an opening, a meeting with the artist, etc...details to follow!
In Ney York? Want to know more about WorldPride or speak to representatives from the Jerusalem Open House? Congregation Rodeph Sholom in NYC are holding a WorldPride evening.
WorldPride event in NYC
Ever thought about going to Israel, but waiting for the opportunity?
Come socialize over Israeli wine and snacks and learn about GLBT summer trips to Israel and WorldPride Jerusalem this August. Even if visiting Israel is not on your agenda this summer, learn about WorldPride, the reaction by fundamentalist Jewish, Christian and Moslem communities, our response as American gay and lesbian Jews, catch up with old friends and make new friends. Representatives from the Jerusalem Open House (Jerusalem’s GLBT centre) and United Jewish Communities (UJC) will share with us the various opportunities for gays and lesbians to travel to Israel this summer. Tues. May 10, 7:30, Congregation Rodeph Sholom, Eisner Auditorium & Patio (6th Floor), 7 W. 83rd St. (@CPW), NYC. Cost $7. Please RSVP to or 212.362.8800 (x8100) by Sunday, May 8 (so we have enough food and drink).