Wednesday's Works in Progress: January 30, 2013

Jan 30, 2013 05:52

Back by popular demand, it's Wednesday's Works in Progress!

My sincere thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out the poll about this feature, especially those who took the extra time to post a comment. Your comments were , as always, very helpful. And now, on with your regularly scheduled challenge.

Welcome to the AWOS recurring feature for Wednesday, Works in Progress.

Every week we renew this thread, and invite community members to post links to pieces for which they want feedback. The work you link to here can be anything from a short poem, to a few chapters from a longer story your writing, or even an unfinished short story. All we ask is that you give readers some sort of guidance on the feedback you're seeking. For example:
  • Is the overall plot of my story believable?
  • Does the dialogue in this chapter flow naturally, or does it feel stilted?
  • Does the rhythm in stanzas one and three feel forced?
Remember, if you're not specific about where you want help, the comments you receive aren't likely to be very useful to you.

As with other AWOS features, we request that participants seeking feedback only post links to this message. If you're wondering how to post a link to your work here, read this short How To. Also, if you're reluctant to post rough drafts of writing in your primary journal, you might wish to either create an alternate writing journal under a separate username, or perhaps back date the entries you post for feedback so that they appear at the bottom of your entry list, instead of the top.

Finally, whether you're an author requesting constructive criticism, or a reader providing feedback on an entry, please keep your interactions courteous at all times.

Thank you, and happy critiquing.


works in progress, recurring feature

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