I'm sure Jamie's not going to do anything rash. But you're right; Joker's here and he knows where Isley is. Let's hope he doesn't get access to any chemicals.
You got that right. I can't imagine what I'd do if Kara came back from the 30th century with her boyfriend. Did you know we have an alternate universe Braniac 5 here? Not the same Kara's dating though...
Now you know how I feel when the tabloids were linking myself and Dick.
Not worth the hassle here Clark. While Bruce Wayne would be a good idea, there's too much at stake if my real name got out in the open. Unlike CERTAIN people. And if the Joker got back to his home armed with the information...
It's about as bad as the league women when they're actively trolling for porn photoshops of them on league computers. Do you realize how much Shayera can't look at me without bursting into giggles because of one shopped photo?
Then the Joker could spread it across the world. And the Bruce of his world would be under siege. Not pretty.
It's more like a set of bolos than a yo-yo. Comes with being prepared.
Shayera does that too in my world when she's not tormenting Carter or John. And I can only be thankful that Diana hasn't payed any attention to that so far. Though I keep finding B'wanna Beast, Elongated Man and Plastic Man doing so on the League computers. Fire and Ice nearly mangled the pair of them last time they infected a couple of mainframes with a virus because of that.
Nope. This is why I'm Batman full time. If you're worried Clark, I'll swing by for a visit as Drake Mallard.
It's not Barb I'm worried about; it's Isley. Joker's already taken an interest in her, considering she's uncorrupted.
And shouldn't you be not poking your nose into this for now? Do me a favor; make sure Reyes isn't doing something stupid.
I'm sure Jamie's not going to do anything rash. But you're right; Joker's here and he knows where Isley is. Let's hope he doesn't get access to any chemicals.
I'd be more worried if Gordon arrived, considering I've been on the Joker's trail for ages. You know how protective he is of Barb in any universe.
You got that right. I can't imagine what I'd do if Kara came back from the 30th century with her boyfriend. Did you know we have an alternate universe Braniac 5 here? Not the same Kara's dating though...
Have you even HEARD the rumors connecting your cousin and Batgirl? They still persist.
I choose to TRY to ignore them Bruce. I'm not exactly in the mood for eavesdropping on Kara at all times.
Speaking of "Bruce", what ever happened to a civilian life? I haven't heard anything about "Bruce Wayne" in the Digital World.
Now you know how I feel when the tabloids were linking myself and Dick.
Not worth the hassle here Clark. While Bruce Wayne would be a good idea, there's too much at stake if my real name got out in the open. Unlike CERTAIN people. And if the Joker got back to his home armed with the information...
It's about as bad as the league women when they're actively trolling for porn photoshops of them on league computers. Do you realize how much Shayera can't look at me without bursting into giggles because of one shopped photo?
Then the Joker could spread it across the world. And the Bruce of his world would be under siege. Not pretty.
Shayera does that too in my world when she's not tormenting Carter or John. And I can only be thankful that Diana hasn't payed any attention to that so far. Though I keep finding B'wanna Beast, Elongated Man and Plastic Man doing so on the League computers. Fire and Ice nearly mangled the pair of them last time they infected a couple of mainframes with a virus because of that.
Nope. This is why I'm Batman full time. If you're worried Clark, I'll swing by for a visit as Drake Mallard.
Looks like our worlds are still similar. Though Plastic Man? That's a name I haven't heard in a long time.
Still can't believe you're using THAT NAME as a cover. Kara used to watch it back on the farm.
He's not active in yours?
Dick watched it with Alfred a lot, and I took in an episode once or twice just to relax.
Plastic Man? Well, he hasn't really joined the League at all actually. Stays independent along with Captain Marvel. I still have to make it up to him.
I didn't know you liked cartoons.
I find them relaxing.
I've got a robbery to attend to. Gave them enough of a head start as is. Later.
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