*sits down with long island* Heyos ye lot.

Nov 10, 2016 18:07

I be the same cursin' Irishman ya'll knew from a long ass time before. I jus be havin a lot more to fuckin curse about. xd And a helluva lot more to sing for, too.

Done lost a few people, done gained a helluva lot of wisdom and family. Done seen too much shit-some o'which I don't wish on nobody. An I'm bein fuckin serious as shit here.
Done a helluva lot more travellin since I been around, too an picked up some new skills for it. Long wi'some new friends, some o'which I wouldn't trade for nothin. OK fine, all of which I wouldn't trade for nothin.

But I still be this: I still be the song in the shadows o'the night; the pipes heard on the winds when they still, and music can carry upon them; the same owl-lovin bastard who done grew up on the streets wi'out a mother to hold me when I cried at night.

Hope ya like me; gunna be here a bit. :d

*lays down quill* See ye 'round.


introduction, lji season 10, lj idol

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