Discontinue using Live Journal (How do you archive everything?)

Apr 19, 2022 06:48

Due to war in Europe, we'll discontinue using Live Journal and will instead, post to DW (I have issues getting cuts to work there). I do also have a twitter account. My DW account is under the same name as this one --> https://worldofcharlie.dreamwidth.org/

I do have a Twitter, account, here's the thing about that. Currently my tweets aren't protected but, this can change in the future. Carrie has two twitter accounts of her own and then one for her organization. Her main twitter account is very public and I don't want her outed as multiple, so I don't follow that twitter account and vice versa. I do have friends that follow that account, and I just ask never mention me or my account to any tweets to that one.

But here's my twitter account info --> https://twitter.com/worldofcharlie

That's it for now

(how do you archive your LJ stuff?)
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