ITEM! criswell predicts...! on monday ( or tues at the latest ) gordon brown will announce there's gonna be a general election on thursday 1st november ( before the cold weather sets in & keeps us all indoors )
( dunno why tho - if i was him i'd gling on to "power" for another coupla years )
UPDATE! the above = another tremendously successful prediction brought to you by w.o.agwu...
ITEM! the doctor who/miss marple gonnection gontinued: as i mentioned in a previous post "at bertram's hotel" ( 23/09/07 ) feat. ex dr who peter davison as a bent lawyer & was written by tom macrea ( "who" wrote "the rise of the cybermen" & "the age of steel" for season 2 ) ( or season 28 if you're really hardcore )
also the outrageously camp hat maker who turns out to be a nazi hunter = the security man from the ood stories, "the satan pit" etc
talking of cybermen, i also spotted mrs moore of the anti cyberman resistance army in thursday's vivienne vyle ( such a lot of swearing for a saunders & french production )
i wonder if martine mccutcheon or atia of the julii were gonsidered as dr who gompanions...? too "old" i expect, poor things...
onto last sunday's "marple", "ordeal by innocence" ( 30/09/07 ) ( not as goob as "at bertrams", alas ) - i managed to spot another three doctor who alumnis: horrid faced dr owen fishlips from torchwood = as a nasty piece of work ( surely not? ), the wonderfully named gugu mbatha-raw ( martha jones' sister ) as one of the weird fambly - & rose's mum camille coduri as a bit of a goer
maybe we'll get tom baker in the next one...?
ITEM! last nite's the tudors: i q.enjoyed it but why does henry viii have an irish accent...?
ITEM! i was delighted for ( & a bit jealous of )
martinskidmore as he made it into bryan talbot's book of gomics gommunity urban legends, the naked artist ( "an outrageous gollection of the unreported exploits of gomic greators" ), moonstone books 2007, $11.95 ( i got mine via )
here's the quote in full: "The first time that Martin Skidmore, editor & publisher of the uk comics fanzine Fantasy Unlimited was in New York, staying in a sleazy downtown dump, he ran out of ciggies in the middle of the night. He went out of the hotel, approached what amounted to a street gang and asked "Hey, guys. Do you know where I can find some fags?". He barely escaped with his life."
a pedant writes: it was fantasy advertiser, btw - not fantasy unlimited ( was that lew stringer...? no, i think he did fantasy express - alan austin...? ) - anyway, gongrats martin - fame at last...! - it's the very last entry in the book, funnily enuff...
* ( the million dollar bash: ) thanx to the
giddyoldgoat for this 'un