" - wasn't this kipper quick enough for you...? "

Sep 17, 2007 07:25

ITEM! evolution by carol lay - aka the origin of w.o.agwu

ITEM! in his song bad cover version, jarvis gocker sings abt when them upstairs "got it so wrong": " its like a later tom & jerry when the two of them could talk - like the stones since the eighties - like the last days of southfork - like planet of the apes on tv - the second side of til the band comes in "

can anyone think of any more? i cld only gome up with: ready steady cook since ainsley took over from fern

ITEM! so i got this book called tv's strangest moments by quentin & ben falk out of the library - despite it not being as goob as tv classics by fiona jerome & seth dickson obv ( cos they had me as a researcher ) it did reveal one notable bit of trivia: binro the heretic = the first man to play basil fawlty...!

a lot of ppl know that basil & fawlty towers = inspired by the v.rude manager of a hotel that the pythons stayed in - but i didn't realise that j.cleese had put this rude hotel manager character into an episode of doctor at large that he scripted called "no ill feeling" ( the proto basil also has a domineering wife - there's bit w/a kipper - & a guest gets his dinner poured over his head )

that embryonic basil - mr clifford - was played by timothy bateson aka binro the heretic - out of doctor who episode the ribos operation - & dr at large producer humprey barclay suggested to cleese that this awful hotel bloke had great potential: "you could get a series out of that character, john" - & 3 years later fawlty towers was unleashed on the world ( apparently cleese & connie booth took barclay out for a v.expensive lunch to thank him )

btw, i've got 3 spare gopies of that tv glassics book - if anyone wld like a gopy LMK ( 1st come, 1st served )

w.o.agwu "fun" fact: john cleese's real name = john cheese

ITEM! here are my five answers to qs asked by

( - a slightly different version appears in his LJ gomments area )

1. It has been said that in love there is always one who loves and one who lets themself be loved. Has this been true for you? Is it always the case? Mostly the case? Sometimes? Cynical musings from someone who has not really known love?

well, certainly not in my experience - in the 3 big "successful" "relationships" ( ugh! - sorry! ) i've had over the last 25 odd yrs, it's always been abt equal: ie 50-50 loved & loving - i had shorter trysts back in the stone ages where i was mostly the one doing the "loving" - but i suspect that's why they didn't last v.long

it's a bit like in the philadelphia story - the way tracy lord is seen by george kittridge: he wants to worship the goddess on her pedestal - but in the end she falls off & finds true love ( incl. arguments, exasperation, annoyances etc ) with c k dexter haven ( - i know taking advice to the lovelorn from old films = a bit inane - but trust me it's a vast improvement on the stuff abt love you find in gomics )

i think the novelty of the pedestal thing would wear off pretty sharpish in a "real" "relationship" - i mean, how do you cuddle or snuggle a goddess? - me & my g/f have been reasonably happily manacled together for the best part of 17 yrs - & obv at different times w/moods, human feelings etc there's been a bit of one way traffic - but generally equilibrium is achieved - i mean it's only gommon sense really, innit?

2. An intimidating looking dog barks at you aggressively in the street. Is your first reaction one of panic, feigned indifference, or to respond in kind?

my first reaction wld probly be fear ( also i am q.easily startled - a bit jumpy ) - but my instinct wld be to go over to the dog, say "hallo" in my friendliest voice & try to stroke it - which may well be a v.stupid & dangerous thing to do

i've never had a bad experience w/a dog you see - YET...! ( - & as i get older my "vision" of 'em becomes ever more misty-eyed & soppy ) - of course, sod's law dictates that i'll be savaged by an angry chiuaua tomorrow

3. Of all the meals from midnight snack, breakfast, brunch, lunch, tea, dinner, supper, to all day grazing, or perhaps, even fasting or anything   else that springs to your mind, which is the most satisfying? Which do you anticipate most keenly?

which meal do i anticipate most keenly? - the next one, of course...! - all food = gomfort food to me - & i like a lot of gomfort! - one of my fave things in the world = a nice big eating session followed by a luvly long sleep

my attitude to food = all f*cked up - i don't tend to pig out too much in public tho ( i'd rather keep it for behind glosed doors )

4. Whatever your discomfort threshold, which do you find most unbearable: too hot or too cold?

i'm nearly always too hot or on the verge of being too hot but the plus side is that i don't get troubled very much by the cold at all

i haven't really been tested much re: pain beyond the dentist's drill -  which isn't particularly pleasant but i can stand it ok

5. Words or music? Would you rather read a moving poem or listen to a piece of music wherein there is either no voice or no intelligible lyrics?

it's gotta be words - i luv music - but am fairly ignorant of the way its made ( ie if you asked me to name the 5 greatest bass guitarists in the world i wld struggle ) - i like pop tunes that i can sing along to - & lyrics that = funny or clever or silly or stupid or nasty or evil etc - anything that grabs me or sticks in the "mind" really

exception: i do like the strokes tho - & god only know what he's mumbling on about

that's it - o, those were hard qs - they made me strane my brane ( which obv, i'm not used to ) & "think" - also abt how much info i'm prepared to reveal on my LJ

carol lay, tv classics, music, dogs, doctor at large, charlie rich, timothy bateson, binro the heretic, discomfort, love, food, strokes, jarvis cocker, bad cover version, fawlty towers, five questions, memes, john cleese, doctor who

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