Wal-Mart RP Application

Apr 24, 2008 11:49

name: Deb
contact information: AIM: beadjunkie102, E-mail: beadjunkie at gmail dot com

character name: Genjyo Sanzo
series: Saiyuki

background & personality:

In the world of Saiyuki, the title of 'Sanzo' is given to the Buddhist priests who are chosen to carry the five Founding Sutras of Heaven and Earth. They are considered to be the highest ranking priests in Buddhism. Genjyo Sanzo is the designated guardian of two of the five scriptures, but one of them was stolen by a group of youkai after they killed his master, priest Koumyou Sanzo. Now Genjyo Sanzo has been ordered by the gods to leave China and go to India to recover the stolen sutra, which is being used to revive the evil youkai king Gyumaoh. They've also ordered him to take along his three associates, Son Goku, Cho Hakkai, and Sha Gojyo.

Sanzo, however, is not your average priest. He smokes, drinks, swears, and kills both humans and demons. He has a nasty temper, doesn't like to be around people, and doesn't even consider himself to be much of a Buddhist. He can be polite if he wants to, but usually he considers politeness to be a waste of time. He carries a gun and doesn't hesitate to shoot at people who annoy him. The only person he has ever respected was his master, and his one goal in life is to recover the stolen Seiten Sutra. If he has to stop the resurrection of Gyumaoh to do that, then that's what he'll do.

As for his "associates", Sanzo likes to refer to them as his servants. The only Buddhist doctrine he follows is the principle of non-attachment, so he isn't going to admit that they could possibly be friends. (Even if it's true.) But as much as he complains and yells at them, he can be oddly protective of them at times, especially Goku. Of course it may just be that Sanzo thinks he should be the only one that gets to harass them.

During their journey west, they have to battle hordes of youkai assassins and the occasional distraction from their pasts. Sanzo usually prefers to just shoot his opponents, but if the situation is serious enough, he will use the Maten Sutra as his ultimate weapon. He apparently has hammerspace in his sleeves, since he carries a huge paper fan and an endless supply of bullets in there (among other things).

Taking him from the Reload manga, just before the Ikkou separates (so, near the end of Volume 6?). He was with the Ikkou, shopping for supplies in some random town, and somehow ended up in the Wal-Mart from hell instead.

first person sample post:

This is such a fucking waste of time. I don't know which youkai bastard managed to send me here, but if he shows his face, I'm going to shoot it off. And of course those three idiots somehow managed to get left behind. It's boring as fuck in here.

There's an unlimited supply of bullets in the Guns & Ammo section, but nothing that breaks the damn windows. I don't know what they're made of, but it's not glass. I was so bored yesterday, I was shooting the dummies in the clothing section for target practice. That was somewhat entertaining, until that one dummy started yelling about how I almost hit him. Asshole. It was at least a foot from his head.

At least there's an unlimited supply of cigarettes too. And lighters, since the damn cockroach isn't around to steal from. I need to check the furniture area and see if another futon has shown up yet. Maybe I'll stake it out and see if I can catch the bastards that are running this place. Someone has to be restocking the shelves.

application, walmart rp, reference

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