Take the quiz:
"What horse breed are you?"
Wow a shire you are nice and sweet and HUGE! YOU love your owner and yet hate him/her.
Take the quiz:
"What is your real name? ( girls only)"
you are the sporty type who often finds oneself
Take the quiz:
"What illegal substance are you?"
Crystal Meth
Piss of, muthafucker! Wait, whats that. . .do i see some....crystal meth?
Take the quiz:
"What kind of person were you in your past life?"
Psycho Killer
Do you have a tendency to hurt people
You're a Witch of the Craft!
You may favor the more open style of the Craft, where practices are fairly loose and there are lots of events going on in the community, such as planting trees, celebrating festivals, and so on.
This is more "pagan" than specifically witchy. Look for like-minded people with which to develop this practice - and have fun!