my first concert review

Apr 25, 2010 12:43

So a lot of the other blogs I read (actually just manny really) often attend concerts and I get to hear about how great they are the next blog. Well's my turn. Last friday I went to a concert as part of the niagara in the soil music festival. I didn't care much for the festival, to be honest I haven't even heard about it until the night of but that's besides the point. The real reason I went was for the GREAT LAKE SWIMMERS!

So I don't have any cool recording devices or neat editing techniques so you'll just have to read what I have to say. The opening act was jesse t. reid who is a local st. catharines singer/songwriter. I would describe him as the kind of guy that gets out the guitar when everyone is drinking and sings songs and everyone is happy that he's there to entertain. There was also an aerial acrobat who did the cool stuff with those ribbons that hang from the ceiling. I found her a little bit to jerky in her movements but I have a lot of respect for anyone that can do that. The final opening act was called the highwire string band. Basically 7 people all playing stringed instruments. Very country. Was not my favorite. They were skilled but all the music sounded the same. Then an intermission where I decided to befriend the married couple sitting next to me. *side note...I was at the concert by myself. then the great lake swimmers came on. They played very well. They didn't have julie fader playing with them, but they had miranda mulholland who played just as well. I was pretty pleased with the performance although I wouldn't have minded the music at a slightly louder volume. I also think it's pretty clear that the band revolves around the main singer Tony Dekker. I got the drift that the other members just play music because they love it and never really seeked fame and fortune. I may be completely wrong though.

So know back to the real world. I have been doing the best I can to try and keep studying, but it is SOOO hard to focus. I am so so fortunate as well because I got my hands on an old final exam (one that wasn't supposed to be out, the prof messed up!!!) and thank goodness I did because I would have failed miserably. Hopefully I can have all this junk get stuck in my brain, at least until tuesday!
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