every now and then i fall apart

Mar 25, 2008 23:47

I can't find my glasses. I took out my contacts and wanted to finish this episode of Law & Order but I can't find my glasses. I'm about four inches from this screen right now and I'm still squinting. But this weekend I have a doctor's appt for NEW glasses, so even if I can't find my old one, I will have new ones! Yeah, but not immediately, I know. But before the end of April.

Stevia is crap. Let's say you have digestive issues with fake sugar (Splenda, Equal, etc) and you have a recipe that CALLS FOR Splenda, and you're all, ick, and someone tells you, "omg, use Stevia! It's all natural!" Don't use Stevia. It may be all natural, but it tastes just like nutra-sweet, except chalkier.

What am I going to do with 42 subscriptions to vibe packets of stevia?


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