This episode is so powerful to me. We see the price of being John Connor. It was, of course, hinted at in T2, but this ep, we see how much there is to lose not only being John, but being near or caring for John.
It starts with a bang. Charley and Michelle on their way out of town. They stop for gas (at the same gas station as Sarah did in the first Terminator movie. Things aren't right between Charley and Michelle.
And while Charley is getting Michelle a soda, Cromartie kidnaps Michelle.
They pass TWO crosses marking graves. Our intro to lit class will tell us that means someone(s)'s going to die. We get one of those deaths in this ep. The other, I believe, is still to come.
Meanwhile, John is hooking Kacy up with bogarted cable, because "no one that pregnant should have to watch network television. It's bad for the baby." :P
(look how pregnant she is, y'all! Yowza! Thomas admitted later that he thought it was a bad fake belly. Boy, was he embarrassed)
On her TV, we see George Lazlo, the actor from whom Cromartie stole his identity in BeastWizard 7!
Understandably, this weirds John out:
Heading back into the house, John comes across Cameron, who informs him the house is sinking. They'll have to repaint next summer.
Charley calls John, since he doesn't have Sarah's number. He needs to talk to Sarah.
Sarah takes the phone and she isn't pleased. Keeping what she's doing, from John, she gets Charley to tell her where he is.
She snaps at John for giving Charley his number.
While exhorting Cameron not to kill the bird that's gotten trapped in the chimney flue and not let John out of his sight, Sarah packs up to go find Charley's wife.
Derek, of course, thinks this is a really damned bad idea.
So, he goes along. The show is called The Mousetrap for a reason.
Cromartie gets Michelle rigged up in what we think is an explosive:
And waits for the calvary to arrive.
All the while, John and Cameron are shopping for a big honking TV and computers:
When Riley calls.
John, being a randy teenager seeking normalcy, runs off to meet her, working to ditch Cameron.
Bad idea, John.
Ellison, too, is haunted by Lazlo:
and he gets a call from one Catherine Weaver about a job off. Remember that he said he'd never do the devil's work.
As it turns out, Michelle is indeed the bait. But not for John, but for Sarah and Derek, leaving John protected by Cameron, who he ditched. Ruh-roh. John, aka Cat Fancy, is hanging out on the Promenade with Riley.
(and why, yes, John looks especially good this ep. As they all do, as always.)
Sarah realizes this, and calls John, telling him to hide. Too bad Cromartie was tapping their calls, knows the code and can call John, sounding like Sarah and tell him to go to the Pier. John finally ditches Riley, who's a bitch about it, and heads to Pier. Where Cromartie is looking for him.
Ruh-roh. Back in the desert, Cromartie blew up the cell tower and Michelle gets injured. They steal a van get away. Charley begs her to stop the van.
So, Sarah's torn between going for John and feeling obligated to Charley.
John is on his own against Cromartie. John gets cornered, barely escapes and jumps into the water, and Cromartie follows.
This is when he learn that Terminators can't swim.
John and Cameron are picked up. In the back of the van, John realizes something's gone wrong.
Cut to the hospital:
John realizes that all this is on his shoulders.
Michelle died because of John. The guilt is so heavy.
At the funeral, Charley tosses the Bible that Ellison gave him into Michelle's grave.
And at the Connor household, things are quiet and somber.
To know the Connors is to be in danger.