(no subject)

Apr 13, 2012 11:13

+ Giving a tour in ~20 minutes to kids from this program called Legal Outreach, which should be super fun and interesting. It's my first time doing a special tour/one sin parents, I'm guessing? But hopefully I shall be able to represent the college fairly to them/make them want to come here. In any case, I really want to meet these kids!

+ Submitted my Oxford application. Pretty sure it's not on time, though I spent like, $20 on overnight shipping and stuff. In any case, what's done is done, and if I don't get in (which is looking likely T_T. Bye bye, dream of three years), I can always do NYU Madrid or something. Or see if I can go to another school in England. I have been so stressed out about it the past few days, but now I am at a point where I have no more fucks to give.

+ Want to write a long post about characterization in footballmeta. Or write anything at all, including either: 1) CH3 of kavya, or 2) this mutant au about a "post-genism" society of underground oppression and state repression LOOK HOW CLEVER AND VEILED MY METAPHORS ARE. Look, I channel my frustrations at society through fic, shaddap. It's interesting, y'know, that everyone talks about "mutancy", especially in X-Men, as a metaphor for homosexuality, because apparently homophobia is the one evil our society is not "post" of? I mean, it can easily be a metaphor for race as well. But in either case, it will be fun to explore, given my academic interests. Snippets-- if mutants and humans are "equal" now, after long and bitter wars have been fought, why are more mutants in jail than humans? "Because they're rowdier, it's just a fact?" Why do they feel shamed of using their powers? Why does the police not act on anti-mutant violence? Why are they denied opportunities to participate in certain things (for example, a majority of them are banned from sports for fear they will use their powers unfairly in the games). YES YES OBVIOUS METAPHORS ARE OBVIOUS I know, I know. Still, it's more of a personal vent than some great, revelatory writing project.

+ Still have a 25 page research paper to write. This is not going to be fun, dios mio.

rl, college, meta

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