of a mirror and how we view it

Jan 29, 2008 08:44

It always amazes me how some people can be so... shallow when it comes to viewing themselves... lol... perhaps not everyone is as analytical when it comes to themselves.  I mean, how many people would actually admit their fault, however small that may be? How many people would rather pass it off as "this is me wat" nonchalantly? *shrugs*

Put it this way... u have a bunch of friends, say... 5 people.  One by one, they disappear from your social circle.  So... where does that leave us? You can come up with your own story on why you don't want to be friends with these 5 people anymore.  Is that so? What if, in your warped mind, you only see the flaws in them, but not in yourself? Surely these 5 people having such flaws cannot simply be coincidence... what if the flaws were actually within you?

I read something somewhere, did a little Holmes, and came up with my own deduction :-) Smart, neh? Wahahaha... Anyway, I pity that person for failing to see exactly where he failed.  I feel sad that he kept insisting it's his prerogative, a typical EVERYONE-BUT-ME syndrome.  Sadz sadz... and to top it off, this is not even someone I know hehehe... Thank goodness...


Had a funny moment in AV (one of the BGs in WoW) yesterday.  Was kinda low on health (I simply can't help running into the thick of battle wat... I love the whirlwind of death too much wahahah) and was trying to get somewhere quiet to heal.  Suddenly saw a backstab from a stealthed rogue... and before I knew it, he dieded from my lightning shield without me even doing anything wahahaha... omg... classic sia... I bet he was real low on health and just decided to take a chance.  Well, here's to your nincompoopness, dude.

BG is fun.  Whacking mages is fun.  Whacking druids is fun.  Whacking priests is fun.  Whacking rogues is fun.  Warriors and Paladins are bad bad people.  Other Shamans? I dance with them :-P Shaman love for the win~!


High and dry when the tide runs low
Caught atop a craggy rocky place...
Wind that whips the water into a frenzied spray
Sand that flow endlessly through my digits...

~ sunny
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